Friday, 25 May 2007

CSC pick of the week - 1963 green telephone

Imagine answering your calls on this terrific emerald green two-tone telephone.

Every single phone conversation - even with wrong numbers and telemarketers - would be a nostalgic trip to the 60s, sans the acid. I love, love, love it and as the specialist shop have more than one, I thought I would share the wealth, so you can all fight over the few that are left - including pillar box red alternatives and pricer bakelite ones from the 1940s.

Retro telephones are far nicer additions to the home or office than the dull grey run-of-the-mill pieces of kit with flashing neon displays you get nowadays. Not only are they stylish pieces of design history, but they are also items that don't just look pretty and gather dust - instead the telephones arrive at your door in full working order for a fairly small price.

Item: 1963 green telephone
Price: £65 + £8 postage and packaging
Shop: Abdy Antiques



Anonymous said...

We moved into our house in 1962 and we've still got (and use) the original phone identical to that one. said...

How cool - did you know that you could fetch £65 + £8 postage and packaging for it?!

If it were mine - and the original from your house - I would never sell it though!

Thanks for your comment CSCxx